
Hello! I'm Robin
I am a traditional visual artist based in Edmonton, Alberta. I primarily paint expressive and colourful animal portraits with acrylic on canvas. I enjoy painting realistically, and by mixing bright and complimentary colours with a limited palette, never using black. I have always been inspired by animals, and how much we can learn from them.
I started painting expressive animal portraits, some more famously known internet ‘meme’ images, after I quit my creatively-crushing salaried job, and pursued freelancing full-time for my own well-being. These risk-taking decisions of leaving my job during the pandemic in 2021, and painting humorous images, instead of traditionally accepted wildlife paintings, were the beginning of a new chapter in my life.
These paintings helped pull myself out of a dark place, both physically and emotionally. Created from a need to cope with the stressors of my personal life, and the tumultuous state of the world we live in. The need for fun, joy, and humour to combat the fear, anxiety, and dread helped me survive, process my feelings and experiences, and thrive with my new-found community.
This community shared my love for these artworks, and would often smile and share their stories with their company or with me. I realised the potential for my artwork was not just for my own coping and healing needs, but could be shared with others, and that they needed it too. I began creating more, fuelled by these positive experiences, encouragement, acceptance, and have no plan on stopping.
I am a full-time freelance designer, illustrator, and fine artist based in Edmonton. I graduated from the University of Alberta in Visual Communication Design in 2013, including professional art studies: drawing, painting, illustration, and art history.
My first year of University was in the fine arts program, knowing my passion and calling was creating art. I took art I.B. in high school, received private tutoring as a teen, and was known as ‘Robin the artist’ by my peers. However, I decided to switch programs the following year for fear of not being able to make a living as an artist, and the pressure to find a ‘real job’.
Eight years after this ‘real job’ of an in-house designer and manager, I decided to take the leap of faith in myself to pursue freelance work. In 2021 Robin Good Art & Design was born, an escape from a harmful work environment, and the beginning of my creatively healing journey.
Two years later, I took another major risk for my career and personal life. I ended a 16 year relationship that was consuming so much of my joy, and energy. Through my artwork, I made new relationships with people who helped me find the joy I was missing.
I hope to keep creating for myself and my community, so that no one has to go through difficult experiences alone. That we can all heal through art, take the risk to do what we love, and do what brings us joy.
Core values
Artistry: To create and deliver quality work, with the ambition to keep improving.
Compassion: Caring for ourselves, each other, and the environment to help bring about positive change.
Understanding: To communicate clearly for mutual understanding, so that knowledge is always shared.
Reliability: To take great care of the responsibilities of my work, with performing consistently well and in a truthful way.
Integrity: To act, and make decisions that support the strong principles of respect and fairness.
Owner, Robin Good Art & Design 2012 – Present
Lead Designer / Manager IT, Devco Consulting Ltd. July 2019 – January 2021
Graphic Designer, Devco Consulting Ltd. March 2013 – July 2019
Designer, DW Good Investment Co. Ltd. 2011 – 2013
Sales, Designer and Art Instructor, Colours Art Supply 2007 – 2012
Bachelor of Design, University of Alberta 2009 – 2013
The Edmonton Manual Publication 2012 – 2013
Volunteering & memberships
- Member, Modern YEG Art 2023
- Member, Queer YEG 2023
- Member, Federation of Canadian Artists 2023
Member, Ladies Wine & Design 2020
Member, Advertising Club of Edmonton 2018
Committee Member, Youth Empowerment Program, Edmonton Community Foundation 2010 – 2014
Member, GDC: Alberta North 2012
Fundraising Officer, Student Design Association, University of Alberta 2012 – 2013
Executive, Design Grad Committee, University of Alberta 2012 – 2013
Member, Student Design Association, University of Alberta 2010 – 2013
Awards & acheivements
Black Belt, 3rd Degree in Kobudo, Edmonton Okinawa Karate School 2018
Black Belt, 5th Degree in Karate, Edmonton Okinawa Karate School 2023
Academic achievement, The Golden Key International Honour Society 2013
Academic achievement, Jason Lang Scholarship 2010 – 2012
Art Outstanding Artist Award, McNally Composite High School 2009
Curiosarts: Collaborative Synergy, University of Alberta 2013
On The Line – Design Show, University of Alberta 2013
Breakfast Television Interview, Art Walk 2012
Robin Good Art & Design respectfully acknowledges that we are located on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional gathering place and meeting ground for diverse Indigenous peoples including the Nêhiyawak (Cree), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux), Niitsitapi (Blackfoot), Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux, and many others whose histories, languages, and cultures continue to enrich our vibrant community.